Monday, January 30, 2006

A beginning

It looks like Ukraine won the revolution but still needs to win the war. Hundreds of thousands took to Independence Square more than a year ago to protest the corrupt election of a hand-picked successor to President Kuchma, a president who ruled with an iron fist, an iron fist, that is, encased in velvet. (It left no bruises.) The people won a new round of elections and Victor Yuschenko, the opposition's candidate poisoned to keep him out (or as a sick and cynical attempt to reduce the appeal his good looks represented--can't tell at this point and it almost killed him) by person or person's unknown, won. And Ukraine has been struggling ever since to free itself from the grip of the prior regime and its corruption. There have been some successes and those successes continue.

All of this affects business. Ukraine needs more investment and there is tremendous opportunity here. With an economy that started on the ground floor, so to speak, as this has, growth can be phenomenal and we are seeing that kind of growth right now in retail, for one example. But there needs to be more information out there for potential businesses and investors on Ukraine and the Ukrainian market as well as on the environment for business here. That is the purpose of this blog. We will seek to provide that information and in doing so provide the context that is needed for investment and business to come to Ukraine.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Chedz said...

Scott I'm interested specifically in the Telecommunications sector in Ukraine. It appears Yushenko was a little slow selling off UKRTelecom. Having seen here in the UK the opportunities that arise after privatisation of the state owned telephone company, I'm interested to understand the timescales and current state of play on the sell off of UKRTelecom. What are your thoughts?


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